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What is Fluoroscopy?

Fluoroscopy is performed in a room with special equipment that allows the radiologist to watch the exam on a monitor in real time.

Fluoroscopy is commonly used to examine the arthrography. 

Arthrography is a fluoroscopy procedure which visualizes the internal structures of a joint.  A dye (contrast material) is injected in to the joint, such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee or ankle.



How do I prepare for my Fluoroscopy exam?

Tell your doctor is you area, or suspect you might be pregnant.  If you are scheduled for an arthrogram, tell your doctor if you have any allergies, especially to iodine or x-ray contrast.  If you are allergic, medication will be prescribed for you to take prior to your exam.


What can I expect during my Fluoroscopy exam?

If you are scheduled for an arthrogram, preliminary x-rays of the joint may be obtained.  You will be positioned on the fluoroscopy table.  Your skin will be cleansed and a local anesthetic will be applied.  The radiologist will first administer a local anesthetic to numb the area, then insert a needle in to your joint using the fluoroscope as a guide.  You may feel pressure or mild discomfort.  Contrast material will be injected through the needle into the joint. The needle will then be removed.  In some cases, your doctor will request a CT scan or an MRI to follow your arthrogram.


What will happen following my Fluoroscopy exam?

Drink extra fluids to help remove the contrast from your system unless instructed otherwise by your doctor. 

After your arthrogram, you should rest your joint for twenty-four hours, avoiding any strenuous activity.  The contrast given for your exam will be eliminated within a day or two.





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